Diversity, Disability and Employment Policy in Moores Rowland
July 2021
We understand that businesses play a vital role not only in the economy by creating jobs, fostering innovation and providing essential goods and services, but also creating a greater opportunity for all. Moores Rowland Indonesia has a great story with gender equality, race, religious diversity, and disability showcased in the diversity of our employees' background. In total, our company has a balanced number of men, and women as well.
We commit to:
- Delivering value to our customers
- Fostering diversity and inclusion, dignity and respect, dealing fairly and ethically with our suppliers, plus serving as good partners to the other companies, large and small, that help us meet our missions.
- Supporting the communities in which we work. respecting the people in them and protecting the environment by embracing sustainable practices across our businesses.
- Generating long-term value for shareholders, who provide the capital which enables companies to invest, grow and innovate.
- We are committed to transparency and effective engagement with shareholders, each of our stakeholders is essential. We commit to deliver value to all of them, for the future success of our companies, our communities and the country.
Moores Rowland is committed to providing equality of access to employment, advancement and retention in the Company, recognizing that it is in our interest to recruit and maintain a diverse and skilled workforce that is representative of the diverse nature of society, which includes persons with disabilities. And thus, Moores Rowland Indonesia and our subsidiary are committed to a policy and practice under which we recognize our obligations not to discriminate unlawfully against people with disabilities at any stage of employment, and undertake:
- to seek to employ people with disabilities in jobs suited to their aptitudes, abilities, and qualifications, making any reasonable adjustments necessary to do so;
- to seek to ensure that employees with disabilities are considered for promotion according to their aptitudes, abilities, and qualifications, making any reasonable adjustments necessary to do so;
- to ensure that assessments are carried out of the scope of reasonable adjustments which may be made to the workplace and its environment, so as to make it possible to retain an employee with a disability or to recruit a person with a disability;
- to make any reasonable alterations to the Moores Rowland Indonesia office premises required to ensure that they are accessible and safe for people with disabilities;
- to make reasonable changes to the workplace and to employment arrangements so that a person with a disability is not at any substantial disadvantage compared to a non-disabled person.
The following notes explain the policy. In these notes the term “appropriate authority” means the relevant officers in the Human Resources Division of Moores Rowland Indonesia, acting on behalf of the Board of Director, as appropriate.
The policy is designed:
- to emphasize that applicants must be considered for employment according to their aptitudes, abilities, and qualifications, and that applicants with a disability are not at any substantial disadvantage compared to non-disabled applicants;
- to provide information within Moores Rowland Indonesia on the recruitment of those with disabilities;
- to assist staff who develop a disability during their employment to adapt to the disability and, where reasonable changes to premises or employment arrangements can be made, to enable them to continue in post or take alternative employment.
2.The Term “disability”
World Health Organization (WHO) defines disability as a difficulty in functioning at the body, person, or societal levels, in one or more life domains, as experienced by an individual with a health condition in interaction with contextual factors.
“Persons with disabilities” include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
3.Working Environment
- Reasonable changes
A number of factors influence the decision as to whether changes are reasonable. These include the cost of the measures (financial and in terms of the disruption caused), the ease of making the change, and the extent to which the alteration will improve the situation for the employee or job applicant with a disability. In all cases, the person concerned must be consulted on the reasonable accommodation of his or her needs.
- Changes to employment arrangements
The policy applies to all stages of the employment process, including recruitment, setting of pay and conditions, training, and dismissal. Reasonable adjustments might include: altering working hours; allowing absences during working hours for rehabilitation, assessment, or treatment; supplying additional training; modifying procedures for testing or assessment.
- Application and selection procedures used in the recruitment and selection of staff must not exclude or discourage those with disabilities. Job descriptions and advertisements must not discourage them from applying. Advertisements must state that the we are committed to a policy of equal opportunities in employment.
- At interview, any reasonable adjustment must be made that is needed to ensure that a person with a disability is not at a substantial disadvantage compared to other applicants.
- Anyone concerned with recruitment to Moores Rowland Indonesia should assess what applicants with a disability can do to meet the requirements of the post, should avoid the assumption that people with a disability are likely to cause problems, and should assess job and career prospects flexibly, bearing in mind that those with disabilities may need to carry out their work in a different way from other people. However, it should be recognized that for those with certain disabilities there may be formal constraints on access to employment in specific occupations, where no reasonable adjustment can be made to allow their employment.
- Decisions on appointments should be based on the merit and suitability of the candidates and the needs of the institution concerned. All candidates should be assessed on their abilities, experience, and likely commitment, according to objective criteria concerning the qualities needed to undertake the duties of the post.
5.Health and Safety
- Those with disabilities are not necessarily less safe at work than other staff. Special arrangements may, however, be necessary to ensure that a person's disability does not create any hazard either for the person concerned or for others. Specific First Aid training may be necessary, for example, where a member of staff suffers from epilepsy.
- Absence from work through ill-health is normally no more prevalent among people with a disability than among staff generally. If a person with a disability is absent from work because of the disability and the amount of time taken off is little more than the acceptable level for staff generally, this is unlikely to be a substantial reason justifying less favourable or discriminatory treatment. If when taking this into account the sickness record of a member of staff with a disability is unsatisfactory, the advice and help of the appropriate authority should be sought, but in other respects the person concerned should be treated no differently from other staff.
6.Treatment of members of staff with a disability
- In order to be properly integrated into the workforce, members of staff with a disability must be accepted by their colleagues. Individuals should be asked whether they wish their colleagues to be informed of their disability, and senior and advisory staff should follow their wishes in this respect. In exceptional cases advice may be sought from the appropriate authority.
- Staff with a disability should be given the same training opportunities as others. If special arrangements are deemed to be necessary, advice should be sought from the appropriate authority. Any factor relevant to promotion which suggests that a disability might handicap performance in a higher grade should be examined carefully by the Head of the Department.
7.Assisting members of staff who develop a disability
- Losing the services of staff who develop a disability deprives the Company of a considerable asset and investment in terms of their skills, experience, and training. Where reasonable, we should attempt to retain staff who develop a disability and to ensure suitable employment for them. Senior and supervisory staff should be aware of the problems that may be experienced by those who develop a disability, and should deal sensitively with them. Help should be sought when considering not only the possible effects of, for example, loss of health, but also consequential disadvantages, such as loss of status, financial loss, or reduced self-esteem.
- Procedure to be followed by staff who develop a disability. Members of staff who develop a disability while in employment will need to inform the Head Department at the earliest opportunity. The Head may already be aware of a potential problem if the staff member has had a period of sick leave, but it is not always the case that onset of a disability or disabling condition is preceded by a period of sick leave. Both the staff member and the Head Department should seek advice from the appropriate authority.
- Options for staff who develop a disability
There are a number of possible options to consider when members of staff develop a disability during the course of their employment, viz.:
- continuing in the same post;
- redeployment;
- premature retirement on grounds of incapacity;
- termination of employment.
These alternatives are discussed below. Any action taken should be in accordance with the appropriate procedures, the rules governing employment by Moores Rowland Indonesia, and the relevant national legislation.
- Continuing in the same post.
Our authorities should be flexible and sensitive in assisting staff who return to work after developing a disability. In all cases an assessment procedure must be followed covering the scope for reasonable adjustments to the work environment and working arrangements. The Head of the Department should monitor the progress of a member of staff who has recently developed a disability and discuss with him or her the course of action to be followed and the effect that the disability may have on future employment. Work may have a therapeutic effect on a person's condition and thus may influence the choice of options.
- Redeployment
If a return to the same post is impracticable, consideration should be given to redeployment by transferring the individual to fill an existing vacancy. This should take into account the job opportunities available, the entry qualifications and skills required, and the suitability of the person concerned for the available job opportunities. A member of staff who has recently developed a disability should be interviewed by the Head of the Department. A representative of the appropriate authority should be present at the interview and the member of staff may be accompanied by a staff representative.
- Premature retirement on grounds of incapacity
Individual may be considered for premature retirement on grounds of incapacity where, in consultation with the Human Resources Division, it has been decided that reasonable adjustments cannot be made and that redeployment is not possible.
- Termination of employment
The reason for it would have to be one which could not be removed by a reasonable adjustment. Thus if all other options have been explored and found to be impracticable termination of employment on grounds of incapacity should be considered. If this proves to be necessary, employment will be terminated and in accordance with unfair dismissal legislation, and there will be a right of appeal. Anyone whose employment is terminated in this way should be referred to the Disability Employment Adviser at the Job Centre, who is able to offer assistance and support in seeking future employment.
Our members are expected to be aware of these guidelines and to treat those with disabilities in accordance with their provisions. The appropriate authority has special responsibility for advising staff on all matters affecting the employment of those with disabilities and for promoting a positive approach to the employment of people with disabilities throughout the Moores Rowland Indonesia.
Harassing a person with a disability on account of that disability is unacceptable behaviour and unlawful.
10.Effective Date
The policy approved by the CEO is effective on December 2010.