IGCN Multi-stakeholders Dialogue on Business and Human Rights Series XIII
IGCN Multi-stakeholders Dialogue on Business and Human Rights Series XIII

IGCN Multi-stakeholders Dialogue on Business and Human Rights Series XIII

September 2021

10 Years Progress and Challenges on Business and Human Rights in Private Sectors

New EU Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: What Are the Consequences?

Since the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) was adopted unanimously by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in 2011, many states have developed and implemented National Action Plan on BHR (NAP) and explored range of policy options to transform how states protect human rights, businesses respect the human right and to give access for remedy. Through the 10 years of UNGPs implementation, human rights have become a key performance indicator for business at the national and international levels. Therefore, respecting human rights is not only required by stakeholders but also improving the company's reputation. It is also very important for the business to understand what is required for businesses to respect human rights and to provide access to remedy.

Earlier this year in March, the European Parliament voted by an overwhelming majority for the adoption of an EU resolution with a recommendation to the Commission on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability. This resolution will be followed by the adoption of a Directive of the EU Parliament and Council on similar subjects, and this Directive will require companies to conduct environmental and human rights due diligence (resolution) along their value chain. It is expected this Directive will be soon adopted and implemented by member states. The requirement to have human rights and environmental due diligence may impact businesses with export orientation to European Union countries. Therefore, in Indonesia, IGCN together with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, The Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy in Indonesia, KADIN Indonesia, APINDO, UNDP and ELSAM will facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue to discuss this upcoming requirement and how businesses can address this new challenge. Moores Rowland Indonesia will be participating as the representative of European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham), as our Partner, Baudouin Coomans is the Deputy of EuroCham Sustainable Development Working Group.


Time & Venue:
Date: Tuesday, 07 September 2021
Time: 14:00 – 16:00

Register here : https://bit.ly/msdbhr13

For more info about the event or Business and Human Rights/ Sustainability : baudouin.coomans@moores-rowland.com